Improve your oral command of language,

and it will foster confidence

in every aspect of life.

Speech Arts and Drama


Speech Arts and Drama, or Spoken Arts, instruction is focused on developing confident speakers through careful development of the speaking voice and arts-based performance training. The curriculum is broad and includes verse, prose, scenes, speeches, mime, improvisation and storytelling. Speech Arts is the dynamic and effective performance of these literary forms. It is taught through private instruction and group classes. Speech Arts training is offered at Performing Arts Conservatories around the world. There are several exam systems for Speech Arts and Drama including the Royal Conservatory of Music, Trinity College London, LAMDA, etc. The syllabus for this discipline includes declarative knowledge in written theory examinations or viva voce and procedural knowledge in practical examinations.

Students find that, when they improve their oral command of the English language, it fosters confidence in every aspect of life. Training in the Spoken Arts increases a student’s vocabulary and reading comprehension, builds confidence, inspires their imagination, and leaves them with an appreciation of literature that lasts a lifetime.

Studying the Performing Arts helps students realize the full potential they have as human beings. Through art, our society can foster mutual connection and togetherness.